✴ Work–life balance is a concept including the proper prioritization between work (career and ambition) and lifestyle (health, pleasure, leisure, family) ✴►❰ ways to achieve better work life balance ❱❱➻ Learn Your Employers Policies.➻ Communicate. ➻ Use Technology to Your Advantage. ➻ Telecommute. ➻ Learn to Say "No." ➻ Fight the Guilt. ➻ Rethink Your Idea of "Clean." ➻ Protect Your Private Time.【 Topics covered in this App are Listed Below 】⇢ Introduction⇢ Harms of an Imbalanced Life⇢ Work-Life Balance - Quiz⇢ Work-Life Balance - Benefits⇢ How to Get a Balanced Life?⇢ Symptoms of an Unbalanced Life⇢ Ill-Effects of an Unhealthy Lifestyle⇢ How Workplace Influences Balance ⇢ Employee-Satisfaction Survey⇢ Time Management Techniques⇢ Time Management Matrix⇢ Setting Goals ⇢ Life at Work